The Blog for Penryn (UK) -based Kernow Youth Society for the Performing Arts. Our society is open to young people aged 9 upwards from the Falmouth and Penryn area. Our aim is to allow members to explore their interest in the performing arts through drama and film activities. KYSPA has a strong citizenship theme with activities aiming to promote self confidence, teamwork and communication skills.

Saturday, 14 July 2007

First Birthday Party

Film Premiere – the final arrangements!

Due to availability issues we MUST undertake dress/tech rehearsals on Tuesday (better late than never). Therefore, please come to the Youth Space at 4.30pm on Tues.

Please bring a contribution of party food or drink.

We will rehearse the dances, practice the intro speeches and check the equipment is working.

The upstairs room will be available for changing & getting “made up” for the party/Limo ride between 6pm and 7pm

We NEED the £5 Limo contribution on Tuesday ; KYSPA’s finances are too hard-pressed to afford non-payment for this activity though we can consider instalments for families with more than one member.

DO NOT leave the event without helping to tidy up! I don’t want to be tidying into the small hours of the morning!

There will be a short piece about KYSPA on Radio Cornwall on Tuesday at 3.45pm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i finally got the right webpage. I look foward to the premiere, and i have Finaly found my dress!!