The Blog for Penryn (UK) -based Kernow Youth Society for the Performing Arts. Our society is open to young people aged 9 upwards from the Falmouth and Penryn area. Our aim is to allow members to explore their interest in the performing arts through drama and film activities. KYSPA has a strong citizenship theme with activities aiming to promote self confidence, teamwork and communication skills.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Advance Notice!

Emboldened by the evident wealth of acting ability at my disposal, I am tempted to re-visit HMS Ulysses in April or thereabouts.

A challenging play which I didn't quite pull off last time though the acting was fine. I intend to re-work the script, develop a more kinetic style and rehearse more thoroughly this time around.

HMS Ulysses has a core of 10 characters in its present form with 8 additional slightly smaller parts. Multiple roles are possible, combining smaller roles together.

Prior preparation will be critical if you'd like a main part in this play. First, take some time to read the book! Available on Amazon or bookshops, prob even Ebay.

HMS Ulysses by Alistair MacLean

A good additional option, before reading the book, is to watch "The Cruel Sea" a PG rated black and white war film that contains elements directly relevant to the parts you'd be playing. You can borrow this DVD from me (so long as I get it back). This will help make sense of some of the "technical" aspects of the book (ASDIC for example).

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