The Blog for Penryn (UK) -based Kernow Youth Society for the Performing Arts. Our society is open to young people aged 9 upwards from the Falmouth and Penryn area. Our aim is to allow members to explore their interest in the performing arts through drama and film activities. KYSPA has a strong citizenship theme with activities aiming to promote self confidence, teamwork and communication skills.

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Beware the all-seeing eye!

For those of you who haven't concerned yourself with how I occupy my time when not stressing about KYSPA, I feel I should point out that I work for an internet company. Among my many and varied duties I do website marketing.

Naturally, I apply my knowledge from time to time to boost KYSPA's blog in the google rankings and I generally keep an eye on all matters KYSPA related on the internet.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I discover KYSPA popping up all over the place! Let's just say that discussions using certain well-known social networking sites have been picked up in my google searches! My eye is all-seeing.

SO... in response to the odd post that has come to my attention. I am not ALWAYS ill! I've just been unlucky recently. Normal service has been restored. I do, though, totally apologise for any occasion when members attended a KYSPA session that had been cancelled. I'm very, very sorry.

But if you used your membership money for a McD's on the way home I'm sure that helped to compensate for the inconvenience.

Generally, KYSPA does not run in school holls if too many people plan to be away. On the other hand, if I think we can have a productive session, I'm always happy to turn up. I don't worry too much who attends in holidays. I have to say though, being "unable to move" does seem a bit unlikely as excuses for not attending go! Still, that's the price for working with "creative" divas I suppose. It would have been a catastrophy, no doubt, if you had tried to move.

So.. to those out there who might be tempted to pass comment or judgement... just remember I am omnipresent, if not omni (or even semi) cogniscent!

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