The Blog for Penryn (UK) -based Kernow Youth Society for the Performing Arts. Our society is open to young people aged 9 upwards from the Falmouth and Penryn area. Our aim is to allow members to explore their interest in the performing arts through drama and film activities. KYSPA has a strong citizenship theme with activities aiming to promote self confidence, teamwork and communication skills.

Saturday, 12 July 2008

A Music Video Case Study - Horror/Comedy

I know many of you quite like a bit of gothic horror! When I was about the age you folks are now (back in the Stone Age this was) I went on an exchange trip to Germany. Whilst I was there the Pet Shop Boys were in the charts and I saw this Video for the first time on German TV!

Made a big impact on me and was largely responsible for the Lady and the Vamp project at Follywood Studios. This video is low tech (the bat) but very effective nontheless.

What you will notice is there is humour here - The Vamp is slightly pathetic and comical. Yet the reaction of the woman brings in the darker side of the story - not just because she rejects her husband in favour of "quasi" but cos she's doomed the minute she does - and you know it.

This vid is more then a little bit surreal - which adds to the hint of horror (its about as scary as an episode of Charlie and Lola but it is just faintly troubling!) The imposed "bride" image as the woman walks towards her new "husband" indicates the vamp has won and the desperate playing of the violin players (closing their eyes before the bite) creates a horror style without the horror.

As a final point, I like the two reactions by the scorned husband, first sad, then finally bitter.

Pet shop boys vids tend to be well shot but also pretty intellectual. Nothing appears without a reason. They had a bit of fun with this one but still created a story with a couple of layers to it.

So... you've read about it now enjoy! Feel free to post your comments on this blog about what you thought of it - I'd be interested! Rich.

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